Thursday, September 15

Button Tai

A friend of mine is now making these amazing baby carriers to sell. If you know of any mothers looking for practical, cute and affordable baby carriers this one is great. I am saving up to get one too!

From her blog:


I am so excited to be on this journey with all the amazing moms, dads, sisters, brothers, parents and friends of the lucky babies who will spend some of the most formative periods of their early lives being worn! As a mother to two young children (and hopefully many more!), I quickly came to realize the invaluable gift babywearing is. My passion is to share that gift with others. I discovered the Mei Tai carrier with my second child and thought, "This is the perfect carrier. If only I had known about it sooner!" The Button Tai is my adaptation of this style of carrier. I hope it meets your needs as well as it has met (and continues to meet) mine


Irene said...

(this is Morielle btw)

ha! I just found your blog. :) I had forgotten your url and happened across it when I was looking at my Etsy shop traffic stats (your blog was pointing to my shop). Thank you so much for posting this! And also for posting the pictures of Patrick's Baptism and the adorable picture of him. I'm definitely going to check your blog regularly :)

Also, I am so sorry I wasn't able to see you when I was down there. I was planning on visiting but then Solomon got the flu and then suddenly everyone else in my family had the same flu! It was pure providence that I didn't visit you Tuesday morning before I realized we were contagious with perhaps the most catching flu bug ever. Hope you guys are doing well and I look forward to seeing Patrick in person sometime in the future! :)

Compton Mac Repair said...

I really enjoyed your blog post