Monday, October 15

St. Michael's Sword Smith
My friend Gabe Hugoboom has an awesome website where he sells beautiful wooden swords that he crafts himself. He is very talented and his works of art speak for themselves. His website has been recentely updated - so check it out!
From the website:
St. Michael's SwordSmith™ brings you the largest exclusive collection of fully-functional hardwood swords. Each meticulously handcrafted in the USA to match the look, detail, strength and weight of a steel sword - the main weapon carried into battle for thousands of years. This collection of wooden swords has been based upon historical designs and named after great historical saints. As for the biblical, these sword designs are fabricated works of the production designer and the names are of the great archangels and guardian angels whose existence is attested in the Holy Bible. these wooden swords outdo the name 'waster' and are more of replica swords, built to last and perform in intense combat as the steel swords did for centuries, but in the substance of wood.


Mary Catherine said...

But why wood, and not steel?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, the wood still hurts. :)

Kaleb Nation said...

that sword is intricate. How does he do that? Is it all carved by hand?

mystical_rose84 said...

I believe so

Anonymous said...

Well, they're not carved with a knife...they're hand made, but with hand tools and power tools.